Top 10 Vegan Food Sources

Vegan Top 10 Pic

Interested in trying a vegan diet, check out my list of Top Ten Vegan Food Sources! A vegan diet can be a healthy and nutritionally sufficient diet, however it is important for vegans to plan their diet in order to make sure they consume enough plant-based food sources of protein, B-12, Iron, Calcium, and Zinc.

10 Vegan Food Sources (in no particular order):

  1. Beans: (good source of protein, carb, and fiber)
  2. Quinoa: (good source of carb and contains complete protein source containing all essential amino acids)
  3. Leafy green vegetables: spinach, Swiss chard, kale, broccoli (great source of vitamins and minerals, high in iron – which is important for vegans, pair with vitamin C rich foods such as citrus and tomatoes to increase absorption)
  4. Nuts: almonds, walnuts, cashews, brazil nuts, pistachios, etc. (good source of protein, healthy fats, and minerals)
  5. Seeds: sunflower, chia, hemp, flax, pumpkin, etc. (good source of protein and rich in minerals)
  6. Tempeh and Tofu: (a complete protein source containing all essential amino acids)
  7. Lentils: (high in protein and fiber)
  8. Fortified Foods: nut milk, breakfast cereals, brewers yeast, meat alternatives, etc. (particularly foods fortified with B vitamins, and vitamin D)
  9. Peas and Chickpeas: (good source of protein and fiber)
  10. Fresh fruit: (high in fiber and antioxidants – choose whole fruit over juices!)

Thinking about going vegan? Stick with minimally processed vegan food items; plant-based whole foods are the way to go!

While attending the 2015 Food & Nutrition Conference & Expo in Nashville, I had the privilege of meeting Registered Dietitian McKel Hill, founder of  Nutrition Stripped. Her website is visually stunning and a great resource for delicious and nutritious vegan and vegetarian recipes. Love her blog post on 10 Plant Based Proteins You Should Be Eating and her downloadable infographic.


Looking for great plant-based thanksgiving ideas, check out these delicious recipes from Forks Over Knives. Also, if you’re sick of eating tofurkey, try this vegetarian Vegducken from Epicurious.

Here is to Happy, Healthy, Holiday Eating!

